In today's competitive world and very fast life Automation is necessary because time is money and so the more you save time the more money you will generate. Now how you will generate more money ? simple by writing script for your automation task to successfully accomplish your daily work or task. google app script is service offered from google. before we go details of how you lose money by not using Google app Script. you really need to know what is google app script.
What is Google app Script?
In simple word it is the service that you can use by simply writing script for your task or work for automation accomplishment. Suppose you want to "unsubscribe" from bulk email you got in gmail. Google app script will help you in this you will have to write script for gmail unsubscribe in google app script. It is scripting language based more or less JavaScript that lets you reach option and detached things behind Google Apps bearing in mind Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Forms, Google sites, Google drive, Gmail, Google calendar, Google contact, Google maps, Google groups, Google translate, Google analytics, Google AdSense, Google Finance, Youtube,. etc. Increase the power of your all automation official work with Google script there's nothing to install all your JavaScript your scripts code manage virtually Google's servers.
which is The most valuable and popular Google app script ?
There are lots of script available in market free or paid. but how to find one of the most popular, valuable and very much necessary for official daily work or task to accomplish with efficiency of time, money and technology. please find Below types of google app script that still doesn’t exist or available.
Google Forms to gmail app script ( suppose you got fill-up Google Forms from your website or blog Auto response of Form quarry with Google app script email auto responder.) (there is 11+ things possible with Google Forms to all other Google services Like Google analytics, Google docs, google drive, Google sites, etc,.)
google maps to gmail app script ( suppose someone click on your website maps you got email alert via google app script. etc,.) ( there is 11+ things possible with google map app script. Like Google maps to google doc, Google maps to google forms or google maps to calendar.)
Google sheets to Google docs or all other google service offered for Google app Script.
Google Sheets to web or google search to google script is very popular google app script. Fetch or scrap all your google search query in google sheets.